Memories spring eternal ... (Column ~ 06/04/08)
100 YEARS AGO (1908) Chief Clerk Hunt, of the railway mail service, has been sweating blood for more than two weeks on account of the floods in Oklahoma and Texas. It is almost impossible to get mail into Texas at all. All the mail is taken a round about way. ... -
MOORE (Obituary ~ 06/04/08)
Dorothy Ann Moore, age 63, resident of 1524 E. Wall, Fort Scott, Kansas died Sunday, June 1, 2008 at her home. She was born February 3, 1945 in Arcadia, Kansas the daughter of Floyd M. Ham and Geneva Crystal Blackburn Ham. Dorothy was a 1963 graduate of Arcadia High School. ... -
WILLIAM K. "DYNAMITE" MATLOCK (Obituary ~ 06/04/08)
William K. "Dynamite" Matlock, 80, of Farlington, died at 4:30 p.m., Monday, June 02, 2008, at his home in Farlington. He was born July 29, 1927 in Farlington, a son of Hugh B. and Phoebe Mary (Graham) Matlock. He graduated from Cherokee High School and Adela Hale Business College in Hutchinson, Kan... -
Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 06/04/08)
Police report sheriff's report...
(Births ~ 06/04/08)
HALL -- Mallorie Nicole Hall, a girl, was born at Mercy Health Center, in Fort Scott, at 3:06 p.m., Monday, June 2, 2008, to parents Dustin and Kayla Hall, Fort Scott. She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth.
(Births ~ 06/04/08)
LEWIS -- Ashlyn Mahalani Lewis, a girl, was born at Mercy Health Center, in Fort Scott, at 7:17 a.m., Tuesday, June 3, 2008, to parents Kaley Brown and Marcus Lewis, Pleasanton. She weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. She joins siblings James, Marcus II, Karesa and Darian Lewis. Maternal grandparents are James and Susan Brown, Pleasanton. Maternal great-grandparents are Richard and Marietta Dixon, Independence, Mo. Paternal grandparents are Paul and Genie Benham, Pleasanton...
Richards -- Stotesbury Missouri alumni holds reunion
(Column ~ 06/04/08)
Special To The Tribune _ A total of 114 alumni, family and friends attended the 78th Annual Richards -- Stotesbury, Missouri Schools Reunion and Banquet, May 24 at the Buck Run Community Center. The Community Center was opened before the catered meal for the alumni to display and view their school photos and memorabilia. The invocation was given by Eugene Winter...
Senior dance unaffected by storms
(Column ~ 06/04/08)
The stormy weather moved on out of Fort Scott and we had a nice evening for the senior citizen dance at Buck Run Community Center. However, Wes Coleman, the mandolin player and singer from the Butler area, had trouble getting through the storm that hit that area with hail and severe weather. A big tree in his yard came down, due to the bad wind and made him half an hour late...
Bronson Day, Memorial Day activities
(Column ~ 06/04/08)
Bronson Ruritan club met at the community center, May 19, with a pot luck meal. Pres.. David Wilkins opened the meeting with the song "America" led by Julia Ann Rhoton and prayer by Geri Reeder. Seventeen members answered roll call. Project committees were called on, 7,000 pounds of paper were reported taken to the recycle center. ...
Devon Ruritan May meeting notes
(Column ~ 06/04/08)
The Devon Ruritan met for their monthly meeting Thursday, May first at the Devon Community Center. The meeting was called to order by President, Shaune Campbell, the singing of America was led by Bob Cleary and prayer was given by Fran Cleary. A delicious meat was served by the Devon UMW ladies. ...
City holds firehouse staffing issue
(Local News ~ 06/04/08)
By Michael Glover The Fort Scott Tribune The Fort Scott City Commission Tuesday, postponed making a decision on how to staff the eastside fire station. Public Safety Director Jeff Davis at the commission meeting presented several options on how to staff Fort Scott Fire Station No. 2, which is nearing completion and slated to open July 15...
School officials look to continue work program for seniors in Fort Scott
(Local News ~ 06/04/08)
By Rayma Silvers The Fort Scott Tribune For the first time, Fort Scott High School conducted its Career Pathways program during the 2007-08 school year. According to FSHS principal Bob Beckham, the program was set up to enhance what the students are learning in school. It gives the students a chance to apply some of the things that they are learning, Beckham said...
Cemeteries request flowers be removed
(Local News ~ 06/04/08)
Tribune Staff Report Area cemeteries are asking residents to collect wreaths and other displays left on the property in recognition of Memorial Day in order for mowing and other maintenance to be done. The Clarksburg Cemetery requests that all non-permanent decorations and flower displays be removed prior to Friday, June 6. ...
Mercy seeks ageless beauty nominations
(Local News ~ 06/04/08)
Special to The Tribune Mercy Health Center through its Spirit of Women initiative is seeking nominations for women in the region who demonstrate an inner spirit making her an example of "Ageless Beauty" inside and out. One woman will be selected from each decade 20-years-old through 70-plus years of age, by the Spirit core team and will be recognized at the Spirit of Women event "Mercy Academy Awards" on Thursday, July 17, at the Liberty Theatre...
First ever Farmer's Market expected to raise interest in Uniontown area
(Local News ~ 06/04/08)
UNIONTOWN -- A new farmer's market in Uniontown is designed to generate more interest from the community in bringing new activities to town, organizers said. "We've never had one before, so we thought it was something we wanted to try," Uniontown City Clerk Bonnie George said. "We want to see how it works in creating camaraderie in a small community."...
Fort Scott residents prove ready for Summer Excitement (Local News ~ 06/04/08)
official start to summer, June 20, is still a couple of weeks away, rising thermostats and activity at the local pool would suggest the season has arrived early this year. Tribune Staff Report Dozens of area children gathered at the American Red Cross pool in Fort Scott Tuesday to beat the heat and enjoy activities only fitting to the summer season... -
Coming face to face with Kansas' foster children (Local News ~ 06/04/08)
Tribune Staff Report Sixty-three children. Sixty-three stories. One dream. The faces depicted all represent children of Kansas needing one of the most seemingly simple, yet amazingly complex of human needs -- a family to call their own. These 63 charmers, their stories, their dreams are all captured in a heart-touching photography exhibit designed to help make their wish for a family come true -- Klicks for Kids...
Stories from Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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