Fund-raising success gives Tri-Valley greenhouse green light
(Local News ~ 05/18/07)
Tri-Valley Developmental Services officials said they are pleased as the company has reached its financial goal to construct a new greenhouse complex at the Fort Scott Service center, 4305 Campbell Dr. "We are so excited," TVDS Director of Public Relations and Grants Jackie Witherspoon said. "The Fort Scott community really had faith in us."...
Committee rebuts arguments about aquatic center
(Local News ~ 05/18/07)
Members of the Aquavision Committee, the driving force behind Fort Scott's proposed $6.5 million aquatic center, say there are various misconceptions about the proposed center that need to be cleared up before Fort Scott residents go to the polls on June 5...
Two killed in separate deer-cycle collisions
(Local News ~ 05/18/07)
Deer bolted onto U.S. Highway 54 and killed two motorcyclists in Allen County last week, raising the public concern about deer-motorcycle accidents on rural highways. Thomas Zibung, 41, Moran, died at The University of Kansas Medical Center on Monday, six days after the motorcycle he was riding struck a deer three miles east of Moran on U.S. Highway 54...
Sexual assault defendant Davis files 'not guilty' plea
(Local News ~ 05/18/07)
Corey W. Davis, 18, Fort Scott, pleaded not guilty on Thursday to charges he sexually assaulted and exploited a 15 year-old girl in January. The Bourbon County Attorney's Office charged Davis, on Feb. 7, with one count each of aggravated criminal sodomy and sexual exploitation of a child...
MARGARET L. CARPENTER (Obituary ~ 05/18/07)
Margaret L. Carpenter, age 78, of Arma died at 2:58 p.m. Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at Mt. Carmel Regional Medical Center, Pittsburg. She was born March 23, 1929 in Deerfield, Missouri the daughter of Arthur and Almeda Burris Bowles. She was a homemaker who lived in the Arcadia-Arma area most of her life. ... -
Alicia Renae Valdez
(Births ~ 05/18/07)
VALDEZ -- Alicia Renae Valdez, a girl, was born at 3:58 p.m. on Wednesday, May 16, 2007, at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, to parents Pamela Peoples and Armando Valdez, Wichita. She weighed 8 pounds, 2.6 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Cindy Page and Richard Peoples, both of Fort Scott. Paternal grandmother is Maria-Luisa Garcia, Wichita. Maternal great-grandparents are Edna and Jerry Sowder, Fort Scott...
Cynthia Ann Garcia
(Births ~ 05/18/07)
GARCIA -- Cynthia Ann Garcia, a girl, was born on Thursday, May 17, 2007, at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, to parents Deborah Juarez and Jose Garcia. She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.
FSCH students learn about frontier school by living it for a day (Local News ~ 05/18/07)
Fort Scott Christian Heights students traveled back in time Thursday and experienced what school days were like in the late 1800s. As part of the students' study of Kansas history, FSCH teacher Vickie Shead took her fifth and sixth graders to the old one-room Fort Lincoln Schoolhouse, located at 18th and Horton Street on the Fort Scott Community College campus... -
Chanute wins all-sports award; FSHS, Pittsburg tie for second
(High School Sports ~ 05/18/07)
For the first time since it's inception in 1976-77, Chanute High School is the winner of the Southeast Kansas League's Martin Rhode All-Sports Trophy, given each year to the school that scores the most points based on its standing in each of the 15 sports the league sanctions...
Regional champs (High School Sports ~ 05/18/07)
Fort Scott High School claimed the team title at the 2007 Paola Class 4A Regional Golf Tournament Monday afternoon, winning by over a dozen strokes. Members of the team are (from left) Luke Geneva, Dylan Renfro, Cole Murrin, Paul Norris, Chris Brown, Tanner Beckham and head coach Ken Klassen. The Tigers will be in Wamego Monday for the Class 4A State Tournament at Wamego Country Club. (Submitted photo)... -
Kiwanis Pioneers donate to fine arts center (Business ~ 05/18/07)
Pearse, Davis earn KJCCC honors
(College Sports ~ 05/18/07)
With correction and notation posted May 19.
First Presbyterian youth contributing to Christian Appalachian Project this summer
(Column ~ 05/18/07)
For their summer mission trip, the youth from The First Presbyterian Church will be traveling to Eastern Kentucky to work with Christian Appalachian Project (CAP), an interdenominational, non-profit Christian organization committed to serving people in need in Appalachia by providing physical, spiritual and emotional support through a wide variety of programs and services. ...
Northwest Scott Area News (Column ~ 05/18/07)
April 29, Debbie and Spencer Gentry, Independence, Mo., were afternoon visitors at the home of Debbie's parents, Joe and Shirtey White. They were returning Jordan, Madison Thurston, and Jayden Clark, as they had spent the weekend with their aunt Debbie... -
Memories spring eternal ... (Column ~ 05/18/07)
100 YEARS AGO (1907) "That old building that they are tearing down supplanted by the new Y.M.C.A. building," said Jake Bamberger this morning in pointing to the dismantled structure, "was here in 1864 when I came to town. It was then occupied by the late Dr. ... -
Beckford honored at OES reception
(Column ~ 05/18/07)
Violet Chapter No. 200, Order of the Eastern Star, Fulton, met on May 9 with a reception honoring Grand Representative Mary Beckford, with Worthy Matron Karen Demm and Worthy Patron Raymond Flanner, presiding in the East. Mrs. Demm welcomed everyone with a reading "Take Time."...
Devon Ruritans meet, discuss Devon Days celebration
(Column ~ 05/18/07)
The Devon Ruritan met Thursday, May 3, at the Devon Community Center. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Betty Graham as President Joann Fowler was absent. America was sang by the members and prayer was given by Terry Graham. A delicious mexican meal was served by the Devon UMW ladies. ...
Addtional Uniontown Area News (Column ~ 05/18/07)
Richard and Janice Ramsey have returned home after spending a week in Hugoton, with their son, Jeff and family. They attended track meets for both Mariah and Miranda Ramsey. Returning home they met their grandson, Josh Ramsey in Hutchinson, for lunch. Josh was between classes at Hutchinson Community College...
Stories from Friday, May 18, 2007
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