
Motor company to split its operations

Friday, March 2, 2012



Freight business on the Frisco has been greatly increased by the precaution of large manufacturers in laying in a large supply of coal in anticipation of a strike among the coal miners early in the spring. It is rumored that it is almost certain the miners will go out and thousands of tons of coal are being stored by the railroads for use in their engines. Other large consumers are also taking advantage of the opportunity to lay in a large supply. This in addition to the other freight business which is now exceptionally heavy for this season of the year, is giving the freight men all they can do and is keeping the engines continually in service.

Dr. McDonald was called north of the city last evening to attend Miss Sarah Emmerson, a daughter of John Emmerson, seven miles northeast of the city. It was necessary to perform an operation. Dr. McDonald was assisted by Drs. Newman and Hunter. The case is a critical one but it is thought the girl will recover.



Grandma Hurtt, who is on the sick list, continues to be poorly.

There was a nice attendance at Sunday School in spite of the muddy roads. The preacher was sick and unable to keep his appointment to preach.

Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Query and family enjoyed a reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ringmaster so that they might visit with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wood, Pawhuska, Okla. Homer Query came in from Plainville, Kan. All the children were there except Mrs. Irene Christy, Wichita. Present were Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Query and son Ross; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Query; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood and sons of near Hammond; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wood, Oklahoma; Homer Query and sons James and Fred, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Carter and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Singmaster and children.



Fishing this weekend near Grove, Okla., are Dr. and Mrs. Francis Stone, Dr. and Mrs. William Aldis, Steve and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren and sons, Harry and David. They will be joined by the Stone's son Fran, the University of Arkansas.

Incorporation papers were filed in the register of deeds office Thursday by Banner Dairy naming Blonn Miller resident agent and listing Miller, Charlotte Hackney, Jessie Maxine Miller and Sarah Jessica Chapman as incorporates. The corporation listed capital at $100,000 and 1,000 shares of $100 a share.

Harryman Motor and Implement Co. is going to split its present operations, Guy Harryman, owner, said today. Harryman said his implement business will be held from what used to be the Hammons Implement Co. building at 8 N. National Ave. building. The Buick agency is to be operated from the building formerly occupied by Scott Motors at 1521 1/2 S. National Ave. Fort Scott Motors, now located at 108 Scott Ave., will move into the Harryman building.

Whether you want to start a completely new lawn or restore your old one to new beauty, you can be assured of the most efficient, fast, economical job. Our specialists know how to create lush lawns. Free estimates given. Contact the Fort Scott Greenhouse, Ninth and Horton. Phone BA3-1450.

A two-car accident southeast of Fort Scott put two in the hospital and demolished both autos this morning. State Trooper Calvin Johnson said cars driven by Donald D. Simpson, rural Garland, and Galen Gazaway, also rural Garland, collided at a county road intersection. Simpson and his 12 year-old son, Mason, were taken to Mercy Hospital. Gazaway was not hurt.



No publication.