Volunteers needed to be an Ally

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The first Circles Leaders class is nearing completion. Three Circle Leaders will graduate from Phase I on June 17. On that evening there will be a matching activity with Circle Leaders and potential Allies.

At this time, training for Allies is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. June 10. A few have indicated this date does not work and other training will be planned for the following week. Please help get the word out about the Ally training. Currently, there are not enough potential Allies.

Phase II of the first Fort Scott Circles includes a meal at 5:30 p.m. then a matched meeting where Circle Leaders and Allies meet together at least once a month. There will be two education nights per month which feature speakers from the community or other educational activities.

The Big View part of the initiative begins to identify and address problems within the community that prevent people from being economically sustainable. This meets one time a month.

The first education nights are scheduled for June 24, July 8 and July 22. These will be in conjunction with Feeding Families in His Name on Wednesdays at First United Methodist Church.

The next guiding coalition meeting will be held at noon July 9 at Papa Don's.

For more information contact My Father's House Community Outreach Center at (620) 223-2212.

--Submitted by Jan Hedges.