Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

To the Editor:

After reading last Saturday's newspaper, I decided it was time to write a letter to the editor. The article "Report Shows County Violated Statutes" was quite informative and interesting. It appears that the county treasurer's office has made several significant errors in their accounting procedures.

The current county treasurer implies that she is working on these problems and that she "wasn't surprised by the audit's findings," which tends to make me believe that she knew what she was doing wrong.

The county treasurer had all of these problems brought to the county's attention almost a year ago and we still haven't corrected the situation?

If the county treasurer didn't do anything wrong, then why did the bonding agency come in and return the missing money to the county. Maybe the county treasurer did not do anything illegal, or maybe she did and the investigation hasn't been closed out yet, but whatever the end result, she made an extremely bad judgment in what she was doing and it was not fair and equal to all the taxpayers whom she represents.

In my opinion, she made gross errors in deciding to do what she did. It makes me wonder if she would do it again if she had the chance. She is in office to represent all taxpayers and to treat all taxpayers equally and I do not feel she did what she was elected to do. I do not believe she should be running for office again and I for one will not be voting for her reelection. I believe that all of Bourbon County's voters and taxpayers should seriously think about what she did and should really think about whether she should be reelected or not. According to the article in the paper, she "thinks it has to be some kind of error," and she is right.

It is an error that completely goes against what she was voted into office to do. The county treasurer's job is to treat all taxpayers equally and fairly and do all the duties that are her responsibility with honesty and integrity. It would appear that this was not done in the past, and therefore, I think it is time for a change in the county treasurer's office. I will be voting for her opponent in the next election.

Edward L. Keating

Fort Scott

To the Editor:

We would like to take this opportunity to say a big "thank you" to all the firefighters who fought the fire at the corner of 69 Highway and Lake Road on Saturday, July 28, 2012. It is with gratitude that we show our appreciation for your hard work and dedication to your job.

Dave and Barbara Freer

Fort Scott