
Tidbits of thought

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I have been collecting "tidbits" to write about, but I have found that they in themselves, are not quite enough for a column, so I have decided to put several "incidents" or "tidbits" together.

First, I forgot to mention in my column last week about Bob's doing the washing while I was unable to. I began to notice that our clothes took on a dull or as my mama would say a "dingy" look. I just couldn't put my finger on it, but they just didn't look "sparkling clean" as he mentioned. So when I was able to go down into the basement one day while he was putting clothes into the washer, I was flabbergasted to see how he stuffed them in there. By the time he was finished, they were packed in there like sardines. The washer seemed to actually groan from all the clothes trying to agitate.

But when I mentioned it to him, he let me know in no uncertain terms that he had become quite adept at doing the washing. Well ... la-de-da I kept my trap shut after that. What was that (another saying of my mama's) don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

One day, while I was in Walmart sitting in the Subway Café and having a long overdue cup of coffee, now mind you I have been a Walmart customer since time began, but as I was watching all of the "goings on," I noticed that the check out people had on navy blue tops and all shades of tan to brown slacks. So I really began to sit up and take notice, and yep, all the guys did too, in fact every employee there was all dressed the same way. How could I be so unobservant as not to notice this after all these years? Am I the only one to be so unobservant or have some of you folks not noticed either? Now when I go to Walmart, I always check to see if there just might be an employee not dressed in navy and tan. No siree! All these years they have been dressing like that. It was just as if I had "blinders" on, you know like horses!

Another time in Walmart, I was again sitting in the Subway and again having a steaming cup of coffee. I had parked my basket by my booth, when a lady comes strolling up with her cart and parks it right beside mine.

She looks at me and says, "I am so worried that someone might steal my treasure in my cart."

Boy, my ears perked up, I wondered just what kind of treasure she had in it.

She pipes up again and said, "You know what the treasure is?"

My eyes got big, and I said, "Gosh no."

Well she continued, "I bought my brother a birthday card for his 71st birthday and it is a musical one, isn't that a treasure? I just don't know if I dare leave my cart here while I go over and place my order. Say, you wouldn't mind watching my cart for me would you?"

Wow! She didn't know me from Adam and wants me to watch her cart. I said of course I wouldn't mind being a caregiver for her treasure. So she ambles over to place her order, and I very diligently keep my eyes glued to her cart. It seemed like forever before she finally appeared and said how relieved she was that I had looked after her treasure cart. You just never know when you might be needed.