ONLINE FIRST: County Commissioners pursue criminal investigation (Local News ~ 01/03/13)
FORT SCOTT - Bourbon County Commissioners decided during a special meeting Thursday morning to pursue a criminal investigation against a former non-elected employee of the Bourbon County Clerk's office. Commissioners decided to pursue the investigation after a 30-minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel and possible litigation, followed by a 10-minute executive session for the same reason in the County Commission room... -
Knights of Columbus set free throw competition
(Local News ~ 01/03/13)
Knights of Columbus Council No. 796 will sponsor the Free Throw Championship for youngsters age 10-14 at 10 a.m. Jan. 12 at the John F. Kennedy Gym, 705 S. Holbrook. All boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition...
Local Hunt 4 Hunger chapter plans chili feed next week
(Local News ~ 01/03/13)
The Fort Scott Chapter of Hunt 4 Hunger is planning a free-will donation chili feed next Tuesday from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Fort Scott High School Commons area to raise money to support Dancing with Our Stars competitors Blake Lundberg and Heather Fink...
Taking a new toy for a test drive (Local News ~ 01/03/13)
Training scheduled; For the Project 17 economic development initiative
(Local News ~ 01/03/13)
The Kansas Leadership Center will conduct training for the Project 17 initiative in February and August in Wichita. Project 17 is a multi-year partnership among 17 Southeastern Kansas counties, including Bourbon, aimed at improving the economy and health of the region...
Conservation banquet; Honors slated
(Local News ~ 01/03/13)
The importance of land and water conservation will come to the forefront when the Bourbon County Conservation District holds its annual meeting and awards ceremony later this month. The event, scheduled for 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, in the Uniontown High School commons area, is held yearly to recognize Bourbon County landowners who promote conservation...
Taking workouts with a smile; Area woman makes healthy changes to lifestyle with help of local trainer (Local News ~ 01/03/13)
Each New Year, countless people resolve to take a more active part in their physical well-being by beginning a workout regimen. Some succeed, some never start and some give up shortly after their first attempt. Fort Scott Mercy Health for Life Personal Trainer Rich Wallace said typically the key to keeping such resolutions is making physical activity part of one's lifestyle. Michelle Guthrie, of Nevada, Mo., has done just that... -
(Obituary ~ 01/03/13)
Eldon E. Isaac, 77, of Fort Scott, died Monday evening, Dec. 31, 2012. He was the second child of Glenn C. Isaac and Thelma Charlaine (Weathers) Isaac. He was preceded in death by his parents and his survived by his wife, Joan, of the home, and siblings Galen Isaac, brother, and wife Shirley, sisters Priscilla (Isaac) Sellers, Fort Scott, Miriam (Isaac) Forest Tennant of West Covina, Calif...
New members of the American Angus Association welcomed
(Local News ~ 01/03/13)
Lundberg Angus Farm, and Gary K. Skinner, both in Fort Scott, are new members of the American Angus Association, reports Bryce Schumann, CEO of the national breed organization headquartered in Saint Joseph, Mo. The American Angus Association, with more than 25,000 active adult and junior members, is the largest beef breed association in the world. Its computerized records include detailed information on more than 17 million registered Angus...
Law enforcement reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 01/03/13)
Melissa Dawn Drake, 31, Fort Scott, was arrested at 12:40 p.m. Monday by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office on a Bourbon County warrant for nonsupport of a child and is still being held at this time. Clint Wesley Clingan, 42, Webb City, Mo., was arrested at 9:20 p.m. Tuesday by the Fort Scott Police Department for driving while suspended and liability insurance coverage required and was released at 10:12 p.m. Tuesday on a $1,750 bond...
Municipal Citations
(Other Record ~ 01/03/13)
Zarrar S. Warraich, 12/13/2012, Speeding 50 in a 30, $151.50 George K. Goodman, 12/17/2012, Speeding 40 in a 30, $111.50 Henry A. Tallchief, 12/27/2012, Expired Tag, $111.50, No Proof of Liability Ins., $471.50 Jizhen Wang, 12/21/2012, Speeding 70 in a 50, $151.50...
Building permits
(Other Record ~ 01/03/13)
Permit number 4112 issued 10-1-12, 316 Holbrook, demo house Permit number 4212 issued 10-2-12 302 McCleverty, demo garage Permit number 4312 issued 10-3-12 824 Little demo garage Permit number 4412 10-8-12 2102 Arapahoe, addition Permit number 4512 issued 10-9-12 503 April Lane new pool...
Conner Jackson Pierce (Births ~ 01/03/13)
Pierce -- Lee and Kimberly (Lockwood) Pierce, and sibling Rayce Grant Pierce, Fort Riley, are pleased to announce the birth of their son and brother, Conner Jackson Pierce at 5:48 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, 2012, at Irwin Army community Hospital, Fort Riley, Kan... -
Christmas tree catches fire
(Column ~ 01/03/13)
100 YEARS AGO (1913) A.M. Harrar, who has been living on his father's farm in the Glendale neighborhood 11 miles northwest of town, is planning to go to Colorado to live and will close out his livestock and other personal effects at a public sale in the near future. He will retain his own land holdings...
Extension resources available
(Business ~ 01/03/13)
Kansas State University provides you with research-based information through many avenues. Locally, your contact is the Southwind Extension District with offices in Erie, Fort Scott and Iola. Hundreds of publications and fact sheets, written by K-State researchers and specialists, are available through the university's Publications Library, www.ksre.ksu.edu/library. Another alternative is to research the information provided on the Southwind website, www.southwind.ksu.edu...
CRP haying/grazing provided drought relief in 2012
(Business ~ 01/03/13)
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced in mid-December that the U.S. Department of Agriculture's measures to open conservation land to emergency haying and grazing during the 2012 drought freed up a record 2.8 million acres and provided as much as $200 million in forage for producers facing critical feed shortages. Vilsack made the announcement during the national drought forum in Washington, D.C., co-sponsored by numerous federal agencies, governors' associations and academic partners...
Royals Caravan to feature pitchers, team mascot
(Professional Sports ~ 01/03/13)
Royals hurlers Bruce Chen and Will Smith and Royals Hall of Fame Pitcher Dennis Leonard, along with broadcaster Steve Physioc and mascot Sluggerrr, are scheduled to appear in Fort Scott as part of the Royals Caravan on Jan. 21, according to the caravan website...
Stories from Thursday, January 3, 2013
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