4-H lays groundwork for celebration
(Column ~ 03/24/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) Railroads are beginning to plan for the summer rates. The colonist rates are now on and people are paying $27 to go to the Northwest. The rate to California will be $60 per round-trip when special rates go on for April 18, 19, 20. Special rates of $64 for Portland, Seattle and other points will go on May 29, 30, 31. On the first of June the regular summer rates of $60 per round trip go into effect. At that time, several local people are planning to go west for a few weeks...
House talks tax bills, tuition rates for illegals
(Column ~ 03/24/11)
The bill to stop illegal aliens from getting in-state tuition, HB 2006, passed the house by a large margin but encountered a major roadblock in the Senate Federal and State Committee. The committee voted to not send the bill to the Senate floor. I was disappointed that the senators on the committee did not give the full body of the Senate a chance to vote on the bill...
Letter to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/24/11)
To the Editor: Fort Scott residents in recent months have had an increase in their utilities and we can look to increases in our insurance and medical costs, as well as continued increases in gasoline and a predicted increase of 13-15 percent in groceries, plus the annual increase in property taxes...
Letter to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/24/11)
To the Editor: I am writing in regard to the local golf course. The city has done a very good job of considering this matter and I would like to say that your plan to acquire and provide our community with a "municipal golf course" is a very good one. I have never seen voluntary contributions of funds to a project like this before...
IRS reminds filers not to overlook tax credits
(Local News ~ 03/24/11)
The IRS is reminding everyone not to overlook credits that can reduce their tax bill. "A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction of taxes owed," said IRS Spokesman Michael Devine. "Some credits are refundable, which can mean a refund rather than owing any taxes."...
Farm/ranch emergency loan deadline looming
(Local News ~ 03/24/11)
The expiration date for filing applications for Emergency Disaster (EM) loans by farmers and ranchers in Bourbon County is April 20, Robert E. White, farm loan manager of Farm Service Agency, said in a news release. Those needing farm credit as a result of excessive rain, flooding and high winds from Feb. 1, 2010-July 15, 2010 and who think they are eligible for FSA assistance should file applications at the FSA County Office, 107 S. Summit, Girard, before the deadline...
Fort to conduct prescribed burn today
(Local News ~ 03/24/11)
Fort Scott Historic Site will conduct a prescribed burn around 1 p.m. today, if weather conditions permit, a news release said. Approximately five acres of restored tallgrass prairie will be burned under the supervision of U.S. fsih and Wildlife and National Park Service wildland fire personnel. The objective is to eliminate a buildup of hazardous fuels, control invasion of woody and exotic species and promote growth of native prairie plants...
Liberty Theatre raises funds for Japanese disaster relief
(Local News ~ 03/24/11)
Patrons of the Liberty Theatre recently raised $5,400 for the Red Cross for victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. "It was amazing," owner Jim Smith said of the response. Those attending dinner at the Crooner's Lounge and the March 19 show featuring singer Rudy Amato and band leader J.R. Farley made the contributions...
City commission candidate enjoys community contact
(Local News ~ 03/24/11)
As the April 5 general election draws near, Fort Scott City Commission candidates are providing insight into their views about the panel. There are four candidates for three open seats. Cindy Bartelsmeyer, Gary Bukowski, Tom Gorman and Jean Parker will face off in next month's contest. The top two vote-getters will each receive four-year terms and the third-place finisher will garner a two-year term. Bukowski is currently serving a four-year term and Parker is serving a two-year term...
- A meal fit for ducks (Local News ~ 03/24/11)
Candidate forum set next week; Hopefuls for school and college board and city commission will be on hand to meet residents, answer questions
(Local News ~ 03/24/11)
Area voters will be able to learn more about candidates for local school boards and the Fort Scott City Commission during a special forum next week. The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce and its Government and Community Quality Division will host a candidate forum, scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Fort Scott Middle School, 1105 E. 12th St. The event will provide a chance for local residents to meet various candidates and learn more about their stances on important issues...
(Obituary ~ 03/24/11)
Roger L. Swearingen, 71, Olathe, Kan., passed away March 4, 2011 in Gardner, Kan. He was born March 2, 1940 in Hillsdale, Kan., and was a US Army Veteran. Burial will be March 28, 2011 at 1 p.m. at Fort Scott National Cemetery in Ft. Scott, Kan. Arrangements by Heartland Cremation, (816) 313-1677...
Farmers/ranchers critical to your future
(Column ~ 03/24/11)
When lamenting the economic "recession" of the past several years, it is easy to see things that we deal with every day that used to be "better" or "easier" (for example gas prices). On the other hand, there are some economic circumstances that we can surely look forward to improving over the upcoming weeks...
Quality recordkeeping necessary for pesticide applications
(Column ~ 03/24/11)
The weather keeps teasing us, the groundhog said six more weeks, clocks have "sprung forward" and the calendar says spring is here. The flurry of spring agricultural activity has begun. Application of pesticides --- herbicides, fungicides or insecticides, will soon be at hand...
Popular family pizzeria to return to downtown Fort Scott
(Local News ~ 03/24/11)
One of the few changes regarding a popular pizzeria's return to the downtown area is the location. Brita Rygmyr, daughter of Papa Don's owners Tom and Sheila Rygmyr, said earlier this week the pizza restaurant is expected to re-open by mid-April or early May...
Fort Scott native joins Citizens Bank team
(Local News ~ 03/24/11)
Citizens Bank N.A. recently announced the addition of Bailey Gray, senior credit analyst, to the bank's administrative staff. Gray is responsible for analyzing the financial soundness of borrowers and assists in the overall management of credit risk for the bank...
Stories from Thursday, March 24, 2011
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