The Battle of the Mules
(Column ~ 09/05/09)
On Sept. 2, 1861, a small battle occurred near the present town of Deerfield, Mo., that was the conclusion of a two-day engagement that has two names. This engagement has been called the Battle of the Mules and the Battle of Drywood because of its proximity to the Big Drywood Creek and the Battle of the Mules because of the capture of 200 Union mules and horses...
National Public Lands Day event Sept. 26
(Local News ~ 09/05/09)
George Washington Carver National Monument is hosting a volunteer-led effort to control invasive exotic plants identified at the park. This work will take place in the woodlands and on the prairie. Volunteers-In-Parks will remove these nuisance plants by pulling and cutting. Please join the dedicated VIPs of George Washington Carver National Monument as they help protect America's treasures...
Habitat for Humanity potato luncheons resume
(Local News ~ 09/05/09)
The Nevada, Mo., Area Habitat for Humanity will host a baked potato lunch on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the First Christian Church Fellowship Hall, located on the corner of Austin and Cedar Streets in Nevada. The meal is offered for a suggested donation of six dollars and will consist of a baked potato with assorted toppings, a drink, and a slice of pie...
Kansas school districts prepare for Obama address
(Local News ~ 09/05/09)
Two area school districts have different plans concerning President Barack Obama's planned address to schoolchildren on Tuesday. According to a USD 234 statement on Friday, Obama's speech will not be shown in any of the district's classrooms. Instead, the speech is being recorded and the video will be shown two evenings next week for parents, students, teachers, and any community member who is interested in hearing the speech...
Missouri Guard uses stimulus funds to increase readiness
(Local News ~ 09/05/09)
The Missouri National Guard is currently working on 21 stimulus-related projects that have brought more than $2.9 million federal dollars into the state. The projects include work at Camp Clark in Nevada, the Ike Skelton Training Site in Jefferson City, the Aviation Classification and Repair Activity Depot in Springfield, the Kingshighway Readiness Center in St. Louis, and the Guard's training area on Fort Leonard Wood...
Your vote counts: City of Nevada Special Election Sept. 8
(Local News ~ 09/05/09)
Six candidates are vying for two seats on the Nevada City Council, and the field will be narrowed to a total of four candidates in a primary slated for Tuesday, Sept. 8. The Weekend Herald-Tribune asked each candidate identical questions. Following are their responses. ...
Morton to direct community choir event (Local News ~ 09/05/09)
Nevada Speedway season champions crowned
(Community Sports ~ 09/05/09)
It was a beautiful evening for the Season Championship at Nevada Speedway. The evening of Saturday, Aug. 29 proved to be an exciting event for a good crowd of dedicated race fans to come out and see who would take the Championship in each class...
Farewell to Ted for Marjorie H. Goss
(Column ~ 09/05/09)
Together with the rest of the country, I guess, I switched off my adoration of the Kennedy name the moment I learned that little brother Ted had left his date Mary Jo Kopechne to drown at Chappaquidick, while he, drunk as a skunk, clamored for the shore all by his lonesome, to phone the police -- eight hours later...
Summer's last hurrah!
(Column ~ 09/05/09)
Hi neighbors. Another Labor Day is upon us! Where did the summer go? If the last week means anything, we might as well start packing up all of our "summer stuff" early. It looks like another year where summer will simply "fall" into winter with no autumn to speak of...
Offensive line takes over for Nevada (High School Sports ~ 09/05/09)
FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- There was no scoring in the second half at Frary Field here Friday night. But Nevada's offensive line was the clear winner as it controlled play in a 13-7 victory over Fort Scott. Nevada (1-1) rushed for 133 yards in the fourth quarter alone. In the game, it rushed for 303 yards on 57 carries with senior fullback Nathan Ryan going for 151 yards and a touchdown on 24 carries... -
Dove hunters head out for opening week
(Sports Column ~ 09/05/09)
September 1 marked the unofficial opening of the hunting season as hunters started off the dove, rail and snipe seasons. Opening day dove hunters at the popular James A. Reed Wildlife Area in Lee's Summit started off the season at noon Tuesday. Some 620 hunters took 1,987 birds. Bob Whitworth said it was a fair start of the season, but not as good as last year. The dove season runs through Nov. 9, but most of the birds are taken during the first week of the season...
Kenneth Wunderly and Kerry King (Wedding ~ 09/05/09)
Kerry King and Kenneth Wunderly were married October 25, 2008, at Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church in Fort Scott. Father Darrin May presided over the ceremony. The bide is the daughter of Alan and Tracy King, Pleasanton, and the granddaughter of Neal and Pam Sharp, Chanute, and Mary King and the late Ernest King, Chanute... -
Kerley -- 60 years (Anniversary ~ 09/05/09)
Richard L. Kerley and Joyce Mae Briggs were married on Sept. 4, 1949, in Arcadia, Kan. Richard Kerley is the former owner and operator of the Sinclair Service Station on Third and Margrave Streets in Fort Scott. He is also a retired employee of USD 234. Joyce was a stay-at-home mom for many years and then worked for Whiteside's IGA before she retired...
Stories from Saturday, September 5, 2009
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