Scholastic gives Eugene Ware class the gift of knowledge
(Local News ~ 02/13/09)
By Rayma Silvers The Fort Scott Tribune When Eugene Ware kindergarten teacher Julie Reynolds and her students decided to help children in New York, they had no idea they too would reap the benefits of their hard work. In September as part of Scholastic Book Clubs' Classrooms Care Program, Reynolds challenged her class to read 100 books. ...
City, county officials: Cuts waiting on state decision
(Local News ~ 02/13/09)
The Fort Scott Tribune As legislators all across the country discuss the current economy, the local governments are keeping quiet. According to Bourbon County Clerk Joanne Long, the Bourbon County Commission has not made decisions on budget cuts. The reason for the hesitation, she said, is because the commission is waiting to find out how their budget will be effected by the state's cuts...
Final repairs on StreetScape underway, call for closings
(Local News ~ 02/13/09)
By Michael Pommier The Fort Scott Tribune Local motorists may have to find a new way around town as two intersections will be closed temporarily beginning Monday, Feb. 16. Kissick Construction, in conjunction with the City of Fort Scott, will be closing the intersection of First Street and Scott Street as well as the intersection of Wall Street and Main Street for a period of about two weeks...
FSCC opens spring auditions
(Local News ~ 02/13/09)
The Fort Scott Tribune Fort Scott Community College will be holding auditions for their spring musical, Feb. 23-24, 6-9 p.m. Auditions will take place in the Band Room in the lower level of the Administration Building. These auditions are open to the community. There will be a vocal and dance audition. Actors need to bring prepared music and wear comfortable clothes. A pianist will be available for the voice audition...
Bourbon County Unit of Retired School Personell
(Column ~ 02/13/09)
Special To The Tribune Thirteen members of the Bourbon County Unit of Retired School Personnel gathered Saturday, Feb. 7 in the Fort Scott High School Commons Area. Donuts and coffee, compliments of the social committee, were enjoyed during the 9 a.m. social time...
Bronson Ruritan Club Jan. meeting
(Column ~ 02/13/09)
Bronson Ruritan Club met Jan. 26 at the Methodist Annex, with family sersvice preparing the meal. New president, Lori Stang, called the meeting to order with song "America" led by Julia Ann Rhoton and Geri Reeder giving the prayer. Vice president Glenn Smith called for objective committee reports, 16 members were present. High School scholarship was discussed. Secretary Louella Fuhrman read minutes of the Dec. meeting and Jan. board meeting. Treasurer Joyce Wilkins gave the treasurer's report...
Goodluck 4-H club Dec., Jan. meeting notes
(Column ~ 02/13/09)
The Goodluck 4-H club met on Dec. 20, for a short meeting. Thank you notes were read from the Salvation Army for the monetary donation sent and also a note from the Homes for Holiday HPA bake sale for baked items donated. A spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and brownie meal was enjoyed. The group the ventured to Pittsburg for an afternoon and evening of skating and bowling...
Country, Western Line Dance lessons available at Buck Run
(Column ~ 02/13/09)
Country and Western Line Dance lessons will be available at Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., Wednesdays, Feb. 18-March 18. Cost is $10 a person for 5 lessons. No partner is necessary. To sign up, call (620) 223-0386 or go to Buck Run Community Center...
Hiattville 4-H to host soup, chili Feed Feb. 17
(Column ~ 02/13/09)
Hiattville 4-H Club will be sponsoring a Soup and Chili Feed, 5-8 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 17, during the UHS v.s. Altoona-Midway Basketball games at West Bourbon Elementary in Uniontown. The food will be served in the West Bourbon Elementary School Cafeteria. Meal includes chili or soup, dessert and drink for a free will donation...
Saint Valentine's legacy, Valentine's celebrations
(Column ~ 02/13/09)
Once upon a time (as the legend goes) Rome's Emperor Claudius II, a vicious (not-to-mention insane) warrior, tried to figure out why his young men refused to go to battle. When it was determined that they did not want to leave their wives, families, and girlfriends, the emperor's answer was simple: pass a law to cancel all the marriages and engagements...
Legislators pass recession bill with school cuts
(Local News ~ 02/13/09)
From Tribune Staff and AP Reports The financial future of 295 Kansas school districts rests in the hands of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius following the final legislative passing of a $326 million deficit-recovery plan Thursday. The House passed the bill Thursday morning on a 70-51 vote. The Senate approved it seven hours later, 27-11, sending the measure to Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, a Democrat who has tried to avoid cutting aid to public schools...
Art center opening to feature K.C. Symphony
(Local News ~ 02/13/09)
By Jason E. Silvers The Fort Scott Tribune The grand opening event for the Danny and Willa Ellis Fine Arts Center will kick off with a performance by a world-class symphony. Fort Scott Community College officials announced Thursday that the grand opening event for the 44,000-square-foot center, which is set for Saturday, April 18, will include a performance by the Kansas City Symphony. ...
Saint Valentine's legacy, Valentine's celebrations
(Column ~ 02/13/09)
Once upon a time (as the legend goes) Rome's Emperor Claudius II, a vicious (not-to-mention insane) warrior, tried to figure out why his young men refused to go to battle. When it was determined that they did not want to leave their wives, families, and girlfriends, the emperor's answer was simple: pass a law to cancel all the marriages and engagements...
Stories from Friday, February 13, 2009
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