Volunteers work to beautify local church
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
Driving past the First United Methodist Church at 301 S. National Ave., you've probably seen a workers ripping up the ramp leading to the church's entrance on the north side. That's because on April 4, the church started demolishing the ramp. The ramp caused moisture to seep through the wall of the church. ...
Memories spring eternal ... (Column ~ 04/18/08)
100 YEARS AGO (1908) The Lakin-McKey Manufacturing Company has formally taken its place in the business world. A visit to the plant s certainly worth one's while. The old students' home has been completely remodeled for this institution and meets in every way the demands the factory makes on it. ... -
Give the gift of life
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/18/08)
Give the gift of life To the Editor, Plant a seed of compassion this spring by encouraging family and friends to become life-saving blood donors. Recent statistics indicate very few Americans are eligible to donate blood. Until recently, 65 percent of the United States population was thought to be eligible to donate; however, recent studies have shown the figure to be closer to 38 percent...
Tricking Husband, story of wrong car
(Column ~ 04/18/08)
The short stories that I am about to tell you, I am sure most women can relate to. All I have to say is I can't find my car in a parking lot (any lot) and most women have had the same problem. I think it started back when I first began to drive. I just don't seem to have much sense of direction, sad to say the problem just won't go away. ...
Joy of recognition, Ideal Chapter news (Column ~ 04/18/08)
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callow and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ludlum were in Topeka April 5, where they met Mr. and Mrs. Rick Biles and family and celebrated Mrs. Callow's 80th birthday. Issac Swope was a visitor at worship April 6. Martha Ann Callow gave her birthday offering, Pastor Andy's sermon was titled " The Joy of Recognition". Scripture was read from 1 Peter 1:17--25 and Luke 24:13--35... -
USD 234 to hold kindergarten roundup
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
USD 234 will be having Kindergarten Roundup for Eugene Ware and for Winfield Scott. Winfield Scott Elementary School will have Kindergarten Roundup on April 21, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Eugene Ware Elementary School will have Kindergarten Roundup on April 22, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m...
Tucker Studio to present piano students' recital April 26
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
Piano students of Carolyn Tucker will present their annual recital, Saturday, April 26, at 7 p.m. at the First Church of the Nazarene, located at Third and Margrave Streets. The following students are currently enrolled in the Tucker Music Studio: Kelcie Bailey, Taylor Bailey, Cally Ballou, Zachary Ballou, Taylor Bowman, Bailie Brown, Taylor Cation, Jakob Crays, Delynn Drake, Emily Martin, Theresa Schafer, Micah Self, Pamela Self, and Wyatt Stark...
Garland fire department to hold fundraiser
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
The Garland Rural Fire Department will be having their annual fundraiser on Saturday, April 26, From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. inside the fire station in Garland. Hamburgers or hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, cake or pie, and coffee or pop will be served for a free-will donation...
Clean Up Fort Scott deadline extended
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
The "Clean Up Fort Scott" Poster Campaign deadline has been extended to May 5 to allow area schools more time to participate. The poster campaign is sponsored by the Neighborhood Revitalization action team, Fort Scott Community Visioning and The Fort Scott Tribune...
LEWIS (Obituary ~ 04/18/08)
Timmy Ray Lewis, age 57, resident of Fort Scott, died Wednesday, April 16, 2008, at his home. He was born Sept. 25, 1950, in Aurora, Mo., the son of Austin Lewis and Fannie Woods Lewis. He married Margaret Hagood on Sept. 15, 1973, in Mapleton, Kan. ... -
U-234 implements reward program
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
The administration at Fort Scott High School has created an incentive program for local high school students to maintain a standard of excellence. According to USD 234 Superintendent Rick Werling, the local school district wants to make sure that students who follow the rules get the attention they deserve...
Mega-Garage Sale planned to help St. Mary's School
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
Parents and friends of St. Mary's School announce the second annual Mega-Garage Sale to support the school. The sale will take place Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26, starting at 7:30 a.m. Friday, at the home of Margaret and John Kerr, 1119 Burke St...
Pennies in the Park Project fundraisers keep boosting total
(Local News ~ 04/18/08)
_ The Youth Activities Team, the sixth team born of the Fort Scott Community Visioning project, is well on its way toward funding its plan to enhance Ellis Park. According to information provided by YAT, a couple of recent Pennies in the Park fundraisers have been successful at raising funds for the expansion of Ellis Park. ...
Milken Center unveils Jewish history exhibit (Local News ~ 04/18/08)
Never ever forget. Those were a few of the words from a poem written by a Holocaust survivor. The entire poem was read aloud by Kansas City resident Gayle Krigel during the grand opening of a new exhibit showcasing Jewish history in Fort Scott Wednesday at the Lowell Milken Center, 4 S. Main St...
Stories from Friday, April 18, 2008
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