Land transfers

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Quit Claim Deeds

Grantor: Revelle Wilson, Hidden Valley Plat 10, Lots/Units: 26

Grantee: Samuel Sowell, Danielle Sowell

Grantor: Fred E. Mitzner, McMillans Addition, Block: 6, Lots/Units: 2

Ermalea Mitzner, McMillans Addition, Block, 6; Lots/Units: 4

Grantee: Fred E. Mitzner, Ermalea Mitzner

Grantor: Melvin Routon, Robert Coon, Limbockers Add-Lots/Units: 5

Grantee: Alicia Beets

Grantor: Nancy K. Gross, Sec: 21; Twp: 26, Range: 25; Part of the NE Quarter

Grantee: Blake Lundberg

Grantor: Bill H. Perry, Connie E. Perry, trustees, Sec: 1, Twp: 26, Range: 21-All of the NW Quarter

Grantee: Kyle W. Perry, Kendra A. Perry

Warranty Deeds

Grantor: June By Gordon, Sec: 31; Twp: 25, Range: 25-NE Qtr/Qtr(s) of the NW quarter

Grantee: Jon William Bailes PT, Rosetta Bailes, trustees

Grantor: J&B Land and Timber Co. LLC, Michael J. Lott, Vicky Lott, Sec: 15, Twp: 27, Range: 25-Part of the NE Quarter

Grantee: Larry Shead, Vickie Shead

Grantor: Larry Shead, Vickie Shead

Grantee: J&B Land and Timber Co. LLC, Michael J. Lott, Vicky Lott

Grantor: Blake Lundberg, Sec: 21, Twp: 26, Range: 25-Part of the NE Quarter PT

Grantee: Kevin W. Stark, Cristin T. Stark, Monte W. Larson, Karla J. Larson, Kenneth Hamar Brandon, Jodi D. Hamar

Grantor: Roger R. Miller, Laura A. Miller, Sec: 7, Twp: 26, Range: 23, All of the NE Quarter less PTS

Grantee: James E. Martin, trustee, Mary Martin, Rosalie ETVIR Trustee

Grantor: Roger R. Miller, Laura A. Miller, Sec: 27, Twp: 26, Range: 23, Part of the NE Quarter PTS

Grantee: Roger R. Miller, Laura A. Miller

Grantor: JP Morgan Chase, Durkee & Stout Add, Block: 1, Lots/Units: 1-2, all LT 1

Grantee: Charley L. Ballou, Diana L. Ballou, JP Kyle Brown, Jamie Brown

Grantor: F&K One Hour Cleaners LLC, Fort Scott-Block 170; Lots/Units: 9-11

Grantee: Phillip W. Norris, Deborah E. Norris

Grantor: John E. Barnes, Hidden Valley Plat 5, Lots/Units: 3

Grantee: Steven Kerr

Grantor: Steven Kerr, Hidden Valley Plat 5, Lots/Units: 4

Grantee: John E. Barnes

Grantor: Chad Counts, Julie Counts, Wilsons Addition-Block 12, Lots/Units: 7

Grantee: Steven A. Tedesco, Christine Tedesco

Sheriff's Deed

Grantor: Sheriff of Bourbon County, Sect: 12. Twp: 27, Range: 23-NW, SW Qtr/Qtr(s) of the NW Quarter

Grantee: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Transfer on Death

Grantor: Robert D. Shores, Wilma C. Shores, Country Club Hills Add-Block 3; Lots/Units: 12

Grantee: Richard L. Shores, Janet L. Fancher, Leann Polen