Ted's Band from Scrubs to perform

Thursday, February 4, 2010

One of television's most popular a cappella quartets will take the stage this weekend through the Pittsburg State University Performing Arts and Lecture Series (PALS).

The Blanks, also known as "Ted's Band" from the television show "Scrubs," will perform at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 6, at Pittsburg's Memorial Auditorium.

A quartet of friends who like to sing, the group has been appearing on the show for several seasons, popping up to sing a cappella numbers. In real life, The Blanks have put out a CD and performed live shows, which include TV and movie themes such as "Charles in Charge" and the "Six Million Dollar Man."

Tickets are $7.50 for the general public, $5 for faculty, staff, and those under 17 or over 65, and free for PSU students. Tickets are available through the PSU Ticket Office at (620) 235-4796 or http://www.pittstate.edu/office/tickets/index.dot. For more information on the group, visit onine at www.theblankswebsite.com.