FSHS coach seeks weight room upgrades

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Fort Scott High School football coach Don Epps addresses the USD 234 school board on Monday night. Epps laid out his plan for a Fort Scott High School weight room upgrade, explaining to the board why the remodeling is needed. Epps was given permission by the board to begin raising funds for the project. Tribune photo/Rayma Silvers

Students at Fort Scott High School are excited about the possibility of being able to work harder than ever before.

Monday night at the monthly USD 234 board meeting, Fort Scott High School social science teacher and football coach Don Epps discussed with the board members the importance of upgrading the existing weight lifting room. According to Epps the current weight room is dark and dingy. He said that it has not been upgraded in a long time, adding that he has figured out a way that the school district will not have to fund this much needed project.

Epps said that the weight room upgrade would have several benefits. By adding new padding for the students to work out on, some injuries would be avoided, he said. Also, having a more accessible weight room would make it possible for more athletes to obtain the conditioning that they need to help prevent sports-related injuries.

"We have a wonderful coaching staff and awesome programs, but we need to be better fitted for conditioning," Epps said.

He said that the new weight room would help the students to build work ethic and enhance school pride.

Part of Epps' plan includes new paint and additional lighting in addition to many other changes that he feels would have a positive effect on the students. According to Epps the weight room enhancement project has many of the students excited.

Epps said that he will seek corporate sponsorship in order to fund the weight room improvements, adding that he was a part of the team that upgraded the St. Mary's-Colgan weight room. He said that he was able to make successful improvements there and desires to do the same at FSHS.

The board members approved Epps proposal, making it possible for him to begin seeking corporate sponsorships for the upgrade. Also, the board discussed the possibility of utilizing a health grant at a later date to assist with the weight room upgrade if needed.

Also, Monday, USD 234 Superintendent Rick Werling told the board members that Winfield Scott Elementary School has been chosen to participate in the Healthier U.S. School Challenge: Kansas Menu Testing Project.

In addition, Werling recognized Winfield Scott kindergarten teacher Joy McGhee as the 2008 Kansas Horizon Award winner.

In other matters, they approved the Alltel communications site lease agreement and discussed the capital outlay financing proposals in order to obtain funding for maintenance projects scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2008. USD 234 Special Services Coordinator Pennie Province also informed the board members about the Medicaid agreement with Greenbush Southeast Kansas Education Service Center, Girard, Kan.

USD 234 Board President Matt Ida acknowledged receipt of the Kansas National Education Association (KNEA) negotiation lists for 2008-09.

In employment matters, the board approved the following:

* The early retirement of Eugene Ware Elementary counselor Cathie Kunstel.

* The resignation of Rajean Parsons at Fort Scott middle school part-time music aide, effective Feb 1.

* Maternity leaves for special services secretary Kelli Mintz and Winfield Scott kindergarten teacher Sabrina Murphy.

* Employment of Dennis Stephan, effective Feb. 6, to fill the custodian-bus maintenance position vacated by John Coyan.

* Employment of Debra Babcock as FSMS part-time music teacher-aide.

* Employment of Jared Martin as an FSHS assistant track coach.

The board went into executive session for a preliminary discussion relating to the acquisition of real property, to discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency. In addition the board discussed personnel matters for non-elected personnel.