
Whiteside's marks 65 years

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



By a vote of 843 to 428 the voters of Fort Scott and School District 55 yesterday decided in favor of the issuing of school bonds to the extent of $110,000 for the erection of a new high school building replacing the two old structures on South Main Street that have housed the high school the past 12 years, and for the remodeling and enlarging of Margrave Street School building. The result of the election was no surprise to those who had watched developments during the campaign that preceded it. There are many matters to be considered by the board during the next year while the building is in the course of erection.



Whiteside's 10th Anniversary Pageant continues through Oct. 15. To commemorate the many savings, I.G.A. features many special values: free initial ring for 10 wrappers from Crystal White Soap; free two-bulb narcissus flower pot with the purchase of 2 lbs. of Blue G. Coffee 49 cents; Camay Soap, bar 5 cents; fresh cornmeal, 10-lb. bag 32 cents; cocoa, quality guaranteed, 2-lb. package 13 cents; 15 cent-size Gold Medal Wheaties, 10 cents; I.G.A. Evaporated Milk, 12 cans 85 cents; good cooking pinto beans, 4 lbs. 23 cents; bananas, lb. 5 cents; cottage cheese, lb. 12 cents.--Whiteside's No. 2 Store, corner 3rd and Crawford and No. 1 Store, corner Oak and National.

Lowest cash prices on new fall apparel for all the family. Save at Litwin's Department Store, 9 N. Main.

Three young Fort Scott boxers, Olin Loy, Dalton Burt and Lawrence Mudd, almost stole the show at the Atkinson-Salina opening amateur boxing card at Triananon Club in Croweburg last night. It was a good boxing show and was well attended despite the unfavorable weather.



The Town and Country column which has appeared on The Tribune farm page for many years has been missing for several weeks because its writer, Harry V. Cowan, has been ill.

Although recovering nicely, his doctor has advised him to give up his reporting for several months. He hopes to return to his rounds of livestock sales by the early part of next year.

Mr. Cowan has been on The Tribune staff for 35 years. His reports of farming and farm people have been read regularly by thousands of Tribune subscribers and his weekly column has been widely missed recently.

"The news staff has been getting some pretty good farm stories and pictures in my absence," Mr. Cowan conceded as he announced his temporary drop-out from The Tribune Farm Page.

Richard L. Harper was sworn in as court treasurer at noon to begin serving his second term of office. January is the time for swearing in county officials with the exception of the treasurer and the superintendent of schools. The county superintendent, Eva J. Krull, was sworn into office on July 1.



The name Whiteside is synonymous with the grocery business in Fort Scott. Recently, the Fort Scott Whiteside's grocery operation turned 65. The Whiteside's grocery has endured a depression, a world war, recessions, urban renewal and changes in the grocery business that have claimed many family operations.

The first grocery opened in Fort Scott was in 1921 located at 2 East Oak by William Whiteside. He also operated other stores in Bourbon County, including Uniontown and Redfield.

Today the corporation includes Ralph Whiteside, director; Ed Whiteside, president and general manager; Dan Dobbins (Ralph's son-in-law, vice president and manager of Whiteside's East; Ruth Milburn (Ralph and Ed's sister, secretary-treasurer; Nolene Whiteside (Ed's wife); and Carolyn Dobbins (Ralph's daughter).