
Class of '48: The best years

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The following story was written by Robert Dempsey, Class of '48.

Dear Marilyn,

I am submitting my reflections of my high school years. They were to me, some of my best years. Like many of my classmates, I was a paper carrier for the Tribune. I took the job seriously and made the record collection one week. That was when the price was only 15 cents a week. That was when I discovered that I had an incredible memory that persists to this very day. My weekly report could be filled out from memory without referring to my collection book. Cora Land and Mr. Cowan were impressed with this stunt. My memory for poems (almost verbatim) made me a hit with Miss Hamlin who required students to recite poetry in class. Boy Scouts were also my forte. I loved to swim and go to summer camp. Two of my merit badges were swimming and life saving. I won the canoe tilt, the 40 yard breast stroke and a huge watermelon for our cabin to eat. Fred Campbell and I swam across Rock Creek Lake twice in one night while camping out.

As far as academics were concerned, I was average, unlike my sister Carol who was always a straight-A student. I liked geometry theorems. Most of the teachers liked me, although I was an underachiever until my college years. Our graduating class visited the insane asylum in Nevada, Mo., for our Senior Class Trip. I think our teachers were trying to tell us some thing. A quote from Dr. Paul Barone in our tour was, "Brevity is a virtue." One of the inmates pointed toward me and said, "You're crazy too," at which time I got out of there. Who was I to argue with him?

The band trip to St. Louis was a great experience. We saw Joe DiMaggio play for the Yankees. Particularly enjoyed by all, was a light opera under the stars, The Connecticut Yankee, featuring a beautiful blond soprano named Gail Sherwood. She sang "My Heart Stood Still." My heart also stood still for a few blissful moments as well.

Well dear classmates, this is my class of 1948 contribution.

I love all of you, and enjoy memories of the past. At this ripe old age, I believe life is worth living because God has been good to me!

-- Submitted by

Robert Dempsey Tucson, Arizona Class of 1948