
Junior Leaders plan spring 4-H events

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Elizabeth Meech, president, called the meeting of the Bourbon County Junior Leaders to order on January 23 after the 4-H Council meeting. Breanna Esslinger, secretary, read the minutes of the previous meeting. Seventeen members answered roll call by telling what they like best about 4-H. Shannon Heckman gave the treasurer's report; Caitlin Jackson presented the reporter's report.

Under Old Business, Tanner Howard reported as chairman of the Dance Committee. Plans for the dance to be held on February 16 were announced. The time was changed so the dance will be 7-10 P.M. Each junior leader needs to bring a finger food for refreshments. Lou Howard and Ronda Bailey, Jr. Leader sponsors, will sponsor the dance along with parent volunteers. Kirk Camac will provide the music. Junior leaders of Crawford County are invited as guests.

For New Business, the junior leaders discussed plans for upcoming events. Members decided to help with a petting zoo for the Home Show on March 15 and 16. Bethany Ericson, Elizabeth Meech, and Jesse Camac will be working on plans for junior leaders to participate in the City wide Garage Sale on April 12.

As a program, Area 4-H Specialist Beth Hinshaw led the group in leadership activities.The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Feb. 27.